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Shipments and returns

Once payment has been received in full for bank transfers, orders will be shipped the same business day at latest.  (Monday to Friday - 8am to 2pm). Wholesale Express Post Orders cut off time is 2pm and we endeavour to get all orders out by this time each day. We will send orders via regular Australia Post, unless the order is a wholesale order, we will express post or use a courier depending on your location.

Most orders within Australia will be received within 3days, some services can take longer up to 7days depending on your location. Most international orders will normally be received within 7days, some services may take longer depending on your location and countries customs clearance. 

Crochead Pty Ltd is committed to quality and promises all products to be free of defects and meet all Australian Consumer Standards. We guarantee you will be 100% satisfied with our products. We do offer a money-back satisfaction promise.

If you are not completely happy with the products you have purchased from us. Please email us and provide us with a valid reason for your dissatisfaction. We will refund your purchase less any shipping expenses incurred, all goods will be returned by our reply paid number when approved. Your satisfaction is paramount to Crochead. 

Return Approvals Email: trading @ crochead.com.au 

Returns should be sent to:
Crochead Pty Ltd
255 Aumuller St,
QLD  4870

Questions regarding our Conditions of Usage, Privacy Policy, or any other policy related material can be directed to our support staff by clicking on the "Contact Us" link in the menu.